Compilers ========= This package provides one SIO Workers job, namely ``compile``. ``compile``, given a source file, detects its language, compiles it and saves the binary file. All I/O is made via the filetracker. Each programming language is represented by a *language code*. Built-in language codes are ``c``, ``cpp``, ``pas``. Job parameters -------------- The following parameters are recognized in ``environ``: ``source_file`` Filetracker path of the program to compile. ``out_file`` Filetracker path where the compiled file will be saved. Mandatory. ``compiler`` (optional) Name of compiler to use. If not specified, the name ``default-`` is used, where ```` is the extension of the ``source_file``, all lowercase. ``compilation_mem_limit``, ``compilation_time_limit``, ``compilation_real_time_limit`` (optional) Resource limits for the compiler process, passed to relevant :ref:`executor `. ``compilation_output_limit`` (optional) Limits length of compiler output returned to user when compilation error occurs. By default set to 5KiB, set to None for unlimited. Passed to relevant :ref:`executor `. ``compilation_result_size_limit`` (optional) Limit for size of the compiled file. ``additional_includes`` This option allows additional files, such as header files, to be seen during compilation. This parameters can take one of the following forms: * ``string`` - Filetracker path to the file. It will be placed in the same directory as the source file. * ``tuple`` or ``list`` - Iterable of filetracker paths. * ``dict`` - if given a dictionary, ``sio.compilers`` will select a key equal to the language code of the source file. The value will can be either a string or an iterable. ``additional_sources`` Allows additional source files to be compiled and linked with the ``source_file``. This option is analogous to ``additional_includes`` ``additional_archive`` An archive in Zip format to be extracted in the compilation directory. Individual files are not extracted in case they would overwrite existing ones (e.g. ``additional_includes``) or if they would end up outside of the compilation directory (when their path starts with ``..``). ``extra_files`` This option allows additional files to be available, in the same directory, during compilation. It should be a ``dict`` with keys representing intended filenames and values -- paths in the filetracker. Parameters added to the environment: ``compiler_output`` Stdout + stderr from the compiler (frequently an empty string). ``result_code`` ``OK`` or ``CE`` (Compilation Error). Available compilers ------------------- The package provides two kinds of compilers: sandboxed and non-sandboxed. Sandboxed compilers run their compilation process inside a curated compiler, with hand-picked libraries carefully selected by an experienced team of security experts. See `sio.workers.sandbox` for more. Each sandboxed compiler requires a download of packages a few hundreds of megabytes large, it may be therefore preferable to just run a default compiler available on the system. Built-in sandboxed compilers: * ``c`` (aliases: ``gcc``, ``default-c``) * ``cpp`` (aliases: ``g++``, ``default-cc``, ``default-cpp``) * ``pas`` (aliases: ``fpc``, ``default-pas``) Built-in non-sandboxed compilers: * ``system-c`` (aliases: ``system-gcc``) * ``system-cpp`` (aliases: ``system-g++``) * ``system-pas`` (aliases: ``system-fpc``) .. note:: Testing sandboxed compilers is disabled by default. To enable it, run ``nosetests`` with environment variable ``TEST_SANDBOXES`` set to ``1``. Shell scripts ------------- The package provides a convenience shell script ``sio-compile`` which mimicks SIO1's ```` script. It expects three arguments: input file name, output file name and programming language source file extension (optionally). Defining new compilers ---------------------- #. Copy-and-paste code from ``sio/compilers/``, adjust accordingly (check out existing compilers for inspiration). #. Add to ``entry_points`` in ````.