
This package provides one SIO Workers job, namely compile.

compile, given a source file, detects its language, compiles it and saves the binary file. All I/O is made via the filetracker.

Each programming language is represented by a language code. Built-in language codes are c, cpp, pas.

Job parameters

The following parameters are recognized in environ:

Filetracker path of the program to compile.
Filetracker path where the compiled file will be saved. Mandatory.

(optional) Name of compiler to use.

If not specified, the name default-<ext> is used, where <ext> is the extension of the source_file, all lowercase.

compilation_mem_limit, compilation_time_limit, compilation_real_time_limit
(optional) Resource limits for the compiler process, passed to relevant executor.
(optional) Limits length of compiler output returned to user when compilation error occurs. By default set to 5KiB, set to None for unlimited. Passed to relevant executor.
(optional) Limit for size of the compiled file.

This option allows additional files, such as header files, to be seen during compilation. This parameters can take one of the following forms:

  • string - Filetracker path to the file. It will be placed in the same directory as the source file.
  • tuple or list - Iterable of filetracker paths.
  • dict - if given a dictionary, sio.compilers will select a key equal to the language code of the source file. The value will can be either a string or an iterable.
Allows additional source files to be compiled and linked with the source_file. This option is analogous to additional_includes
An archive in Zip format to be extracted in the compilation directory. Individual files are not extracted in case they would overwrite existing ones (e.g. additional_includes) or if they would end up outside of the compilation directory (when their path starts with ..).
This option allows additional files to be available, in the same directory, during compilation. It should be a dict with keys representing intended filenames and values – paths in the filetracker.

Parameters added to the environment:

Stdout + stderr from the compiler (frequently an empty string).
OK or CE (Compilation Error).

Available compilers

The package provides two kinds of compilers: sandboxed and non-sandboxed.

Sandboxed compilers run their compilation process inside a curated compiler, with hand-picked libraries carefully selected by an experienced team of security experts. See sio.workers.sandbox for more.

Each sandboxed compiler requires a download of packages a few hundreds of megabytes large, it may be therefore preferable to just run a default compiler available on the system.

Built-in sandboxed compilers:

  • c (aliases: gcc, default-c)
  • cpp (aliases: g++, default-cc, default-cpp)
  • pas (aliases: fpc, default-pas)

Built-in non-sandboxed compilers:

  • system-c (aliases: system-gcc)
  • system-cpp (aliases: system-g++)
  • system-pas (aliases: system-fpc)


Testing sandboxed compilers is disabled by default. To enable it, run nosetests with environment variable TEST_SANDBOXES set to 1.

Shell scripts

The package provides a convenience shell script sio-compile which mimicks SIO1’s script. It expects three arguments: input file name, output file name and programming language source file extension (optionally).

Defining new compilers

  1. Copy-and-paste code from sio/compilers/, adjust accordingly (check out existing compilers for inspiration).
  2. Add to entry_points in